Recently three people were injured when a 46-year-old worker was drilling underground and hit a power line in Northeast Philadelphia. This accident could have been avoided.

Client and/or Property Owner tried to save money and didn’t hire EPI Geophysics to do a utility scan
Client and/or Property Owner tried to save money and didn’t hire EPI Drilling to soft dig
Client in a rush convinces the driller to drill without a mark out
Client and/or Property Owner does not provide accurate information
Client and/or Property Owner isn’t aware that One Call doesn’t cover privately owned utilities
Driller being polite decides to drill too close to a marked utility
Client or Driller was in a rush and needed to drill before the mark out was completed
Driller didn’t understand how to read a One Call ticket and was drilling at a location not covered by the One Call
Driller under pressure to expedite drilling fails to survey area in the vicinity of the borehole
Third party company hired to locate utilities fails to provide an accurate mark out